Kuriakose Jacob

A synergistically start with Don Bosco Orphanage

  •  March 12, 2021
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As a social work trainee I had spent twenty days of field work under guidance of   Mr. Tony James who is a Social worker in the organization. The objective of mine was to teach the children in the organization and to understand the working of the organization. On the first day itself I could feel their Joy and Enegry that they portray during the class. The more I taught them more I was receiving from them. I was re-learning to have a heart of a child. As Jesus said to us: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven”

I also have observed that Don Bosco boys home encompass a positive environment that allows the children to grow fully and equip themselves for their future. The infrastructure is well equipped for the children to develop and explore  their potential in various area such as in Sports, Information technology, Academics, Spoken English training, Media , Cooking, Farming Art and Culture etc…The organization is well equipped with the facilities. From the committed staff members of Don Bosco boys home I have learned to be passionate in what I do because, through their deeds they exhibited it. The staff is very much friendly and approachable for all the needs. The best things about the organization are that they conduct various activities and programs for the children in and out of the organization and that are well organized and executed for the children.  During the time of Christmas, Bosco Kids program was set up by the organization to distribute the gifts for the underprivileged children in the locality. I could say that Don Bosco boys home is one of the disciplined organization for children to grow and  to develop fully as an individual.

They portray the Love of God and carry the heart that teaches to love one another and to be compassionate and to have a concern for each other and finally to be thankful in what you have.

Kuriakose Jacob