
Babu Savio: Orphan to an Educationalist

  •  February 7, 2021
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The pain that Babu Savio has suffered is too overwhelming to pursue a doctoral degree in education from Mangalore University, Karnataka.
Like many of the children at Don Bosco Sneha Bhavan, Babu Savio was also an orphan who has a history of working in a restaurant as a dish washer where he faced physical abuse from his employer and co-workers. He ranaway from this tea stall and while walking in front of the gate of Don Bosco Palluruthy, he listened to children playing musical band, and he found it interesting. He entered into Don Bosco compound to listen and the director also listened to his story and he became an inmate of Don Bosco from then on.

Babu Savio was very good at music as well as studies, Don Bosco Sneha Bhavan helped him to pursue higher education and now he holds different degrees such as B.Com, M.Com, B.Ed, M.Ed and a PhD in Education. Babu Savio is now living in Canada with his wife and three children.